Nostra Sponte!!!
Check out Tsway on her new channel
She’s still a huge nerd, but had to refocus her time in order to crush her other priorities.
She’ll be round, to do more stuff here too.
Not intended for the faint hearted. How many times have you tried at something and failed miserably? I can’t even count how many times I’ve failed at something. This year alone, Ive trained and slayed for almost an entire year for a bodybuilding competition that was postponed 4 times, and I have yet anything to show for it! But I’m still here, still pushing, whatever my next goal maybe. What I realized is that the more I fail, the less, the concept of failure has a hold on me. Failure can paralyze people from chasing their dreams and creating transformations. but, it’s got nothing on me! I’m not afraid of it, I know it too well now. The game keeps going. I’ve got my enchanted bunnies to slaughter and a boss battle here and there but in the end, they are all just here making me stronger, smarter, and more powerful. And one day before I know it, I will level up!
Check out my new Youtube
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